Exam question

Compare how key messages and values are explored in the two American films you have studies in reflecting the period they were made

War of the Worlds (2005) and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) both contain allegories and key messages that challenge American society at the time. Even though both movies were made just over 50 years apart they share similar ideologies and comment on American citizens way of living at the time of release. Both movies are from the Sci-Fi genre because they deal with the annihilation of the human race by alien creatures. In reference to the decades they were made the aliens in both the movies represent groups of people who have attempted to challenge and destroy the American way of living. In War of the Worlds the aliens represent the terrorists who were responsible for 9/11 and in Invasion of the Body Snatchers they represent McCarthyists.

The aliens in WOTW represent terrorists because the movie was released in 2005 -which was 4 years after the attack- and American citizens were still paranoid about other attempts on their lives. The tri-pods in the movie were buried under the ground for many years and all of a sudden rose from the ground and started causing havoc and death. Later on in the movie a character called Ogilvy proposes the theory to the main character Ray that they have been there for millions of years, even before humans. Ogilvy is the on screen representation of 9/11 conspiracy theorists because he is seen as being an insane lunatic who lives in his basement. 

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