This film sparked lots of controversy due to the horrific crime sprees whilst fuelled by 'Milk Plus' from the Korova Milk Bar. Stanley Kubrick said."...A social satire dealing with the question of whether behavioural psychology and psychological conditioning are dangerous new weapons for a totalitarian government to use to impose vast controls on its citizens and turn them into little more than robots."
This film had copycat crimes, and this is why Kubrick removed it from cinemas. Kubrick stated: "To try and fasten any responsibility on art as the cause of life seems to me to put the case the wrong way around. Art consists of reshaping life, but it does not create life, nor cause life. Furthermore, to attribute powerful suggestive qualities to a film is at odds with the scientifically accepted view that, even after deep hypnosis in a posthypnotic state, people cannot be made to do things which are at odds with their natures."
There were lots of differences between the film and the novel, Alex enjoys music, this was not received well by Anthony Burgess who wrote the model. "A Clockwork Orange" is an ideological mess, a paranoid right-wing fantasy masquerading As an Orwellian warning. It pretends to oppose the police state and forced mind control, but all it really does is celebrate the nastiness of its hero, Alex.
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