Jack Scott,
Saving Private Ryan
(Steven Spielberg 1998)
The beginning of the scene begins with a medium close up off
Cpt Miller played by Tom Hanks. He is in the centre of the framing looking
directly forward but not at the camera. The camera then begins to track backwards
revealing the other solders standing around and in front of him. As Cpt Miller
the other solders are fixated and staring forward, where as others are
The camera used to film this shot is hand held and is
bobbling along with the solders, which is used to mimic the boats movement as
its traveling through the sea. The camera begins by showing Cpt Miller to
inform us that he is the protagonist of the film and the most important. This
gives the idea that he is the highest ranked solder due to the fact that when
the camera tracks backwards he always remains in the shot and does not fade
out, this also shows that he is alike the other solders.
The camera movement shows the audience that although he is
the protagonist he is just like the other solders and just as vulnerable as
they are. As the tracking shot moves backwards it shows the other solders that
are reacting the same way as Cpt Miller which reinforces the idea that they are
equal and even though he is the main character he is under threat and is scared
alike the others which makes the audience fear for him and un sure of what
could happen next.
The following shot is a mid shot of the boat driver who
shouts “30 seconds, God be with you”,
then the shot changes to close up of Cpt Miller giving orders to the solders
followed by a medium close up of Sergeant Horvath played by Tom Sizemore also
giving orders.
The camera uses the shot of the boat driver saying “30 seconds” to indicate that something
will happen, he follows on to say “God be
with you”. The close up of Cpt
Miller giving orders shows his authority and duty towards the solders, the
following medium close up of Sergeant Horvath giving orders also shows that he
also has authority but is not as important as Cpt Miller.
The mid shot of the boat driver shouting “30 Seconds, God be with you” , makes
the audience nervous and tense because they know now that what ever the reason
the solders are nervous for his going to be established soon, the fact the
driver shouts “god be with you” indicates that what ever threat they will soon
encounter will require a act of God to help them.
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