Independent HollyWood

I chose this article as it seemed very interesting and unique. I also love man independent films and this made me curious and intrigued to this article.
This article was written by Nick Lacey, in february of 2013. He explores the reasons why Independent films are not actually as 'clear cut' as we think they are. Lacey generates the idea that Indie films are not in fact all what they seem, all are different and some are not mainstream at all.

The main focus of the article is too uncover the real taboos and information about Indie films and share them with us. He begins with talking about how we know if we are watching such a film, and this is because of its characteristics. He explains that films that are award winners are not actually made by major producing companies but by 'Quasi indie subsidiaries such as Viacams Paramount Vantage and Son Pictures Classic'. Though thought to be independent films, they cannot be considered 'Independent' due to their ownership.
He includes the fact that they struggle to find audiences. we can recognise an independent movie due to the sole reason that they 'never even receive a cinema release' which then further makes the film less popular as world wide countries are unaware it even exists.

Lacey also talks about that its 'not all about the money'. This is because though many indie films do not feature stars and are of low budget, that is not the case for all. He uses the case study of Brad Pitt (killing them softly, US 2012). Brad Pitt featured in the low budget movie even though he is accustomed to high mainstream audience and films. Some stars are happy to feature in independent films because they 'have interesting roles'.

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