Compare how key
messages and values are explored in the two American films you have studied in
reflecting the period they were made.
The two films we have studied are War of the World (2005)
and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). Both films have their own ideologies
and allegorical references, but both convey the message of patriotism and
In Invasion
of the Body snatchers, the allegorical message of the time was subliminally
towards McCarthyism. McCarthy was a US senit of the time, and he was well known
for his ‘witch hunts’ on the citizens of the US at the time. His main message
was basically ‘if you’re not with us, you are against us,’ referring to the
threat of communism sweeping from the East. In the film, the pod people represent
Mcarthyists. Silently flooding into society undetected, until the
non-McCarthyists are the minority and are neglected from society. We see this
represented well in the narrative when Miles is the only ‘human’ left in the
town, and he is outcast, and everyone thinks he is crazy, when he was right
about everything. Another way in which the McCarthism element is pumped into
this film, was the lack of the resolution in the end of the film. Normally, in
a film, we have the ending tied up, and we go away and sleep that night. But
the abrupt ending and no resolution in the film leaves the audience questioning
the film, and thus, questioning McCarthism, and leaves them with a choice, Join
McCarthy, or stand up for what you believe. The film creates a connection with
the ‘normality’ of society through Miles, we see constant close ups, bonding us
further in every scene, and the fact he is in all but one scene shows us that
the director wants us to see the pod people as the antagonists and support
Miles’ ideologies on the look of McCarthyism.
In War of the
Worlds, the idea of Paranoia comes from a totally different perspective. Rather
than an internal threat, the threat is external, and is from terrorism. The
film was directly influenced by the events of 9/11 and the changed society we
now live in because of the events that happened on September 11th.
The terrorists are given countless references in this film, one directly when
Rachel shouts “Is it the Terrorists?!” This showing that the society today is
brought up believing that any areal or external threat are from the terrorists.
The Antagonist in the film, the aliens, represents the terrorists; this is
further supported by the ideologies they both share. They both want to exterminate
(rather than Assimilate like McCarthy) the American way of life, usually by causing
mass destruction, and once the American way of life is gone, bring in their own
way of life. We see this in the scene when the aliens begin to harvest the
humans, creating red string everywhere, this is an allegorical form of the
terrorists and their religion. Also, when we see that the giant robots come
from underground, it is just the aliens that come from space. It presents the
ideology that not only have they been here for a long time, in our society,
like sleeper agents, but the US themselves provided the tools for the
destruction. This was exactly the case, because the group of terrorists, learnt
to fly in America, stole the plane in America, and for some strange reason the
WHOLE American Air force decided to go on a training day in Canada. The ending
in the film is completely different to that in Invasion of the Body Snatchers,
in this film, then ending has a revolution, it shows Ray proving himself to the
ex-wife, Robbie survived and the aliens were defeated. This just showing that
if the Americans stick together, against the threat of terror, there will be an
end and they will be safe.
Men and women in
both films have different roles due to the time period. Women in Invasion of
the Body Snatchers are completely passive, the character Becky in particular
throughout the film is a problem, she is constantly in the way for Miles, and
he has to carry her in the chase scene, which she caused by screaming when the
dog almost got hit by the truck. She also is seen as a housewife, even as
aliens invade the world, she makes eggs in the morning, right after fleeing
from her house in the middle of the night. But in War of the Worlds, Rachel in
particular, is often active. At times, she tells Ray what to do, and progresses
the narrative, she is key in presenting the ideologies of terrorism. Another
scene is when Ray’s ex-wife is walking round his house, being in charge because
the house is messy and the kids still share a room, she is active in this scene,
although this scene is irrelevant to the plot as the house is most probably
destroyed and pointless. Although the key message of women being equal is
different, it is still shown that men are active, and women are passive in movies.
Also we have to take into account Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory, this says
that the view of women in films are from men’s point of view, and everyone in
the cinema is made to see it from a mans point of view.
Both films show allegorical meaning rooted deep into the
plot and are similar but different in ways. They were made to leave the
audience with a question, and a message behind it, and I believe both films did
it exceptionally well. Invasion of the Body Snatchers really reflected
McCarthyism and how it silently almost took over society, and that at the times
of the film; nobody did see an end to the terror of McCarthyism. But also in
War of the Worlds, the film really captured the element of paranoia in our post
9/11 society, directly influenced by the media and the government.
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