Fellowship of the ring analysis

Fellow ship of the right
Ringwraith scene

To begin with the scene starts at a wide shot and is seen from a low angle, this gives the impression that the Hobbits are isolated and very small in such a large environment. The Hobbits are located at the bottom of the screen under a tree showing they are hiding from something. The scene is filled in a large forest but due to the camera angle they seem to be trapped as if they have nowhere to move. In addition to this because of al the forest space it gives us the impression something is soon going to use up all the unused space.  As the scene moves on the Ringwraith occupies the space and is shown to be in a position of power as it dominates the scene and shows the Hobbits as the inferiors. Due to the shot being at the same angle it shows the Hobbits as being weak, small and vulnerable because of the tight and claustrophobic space they have been put in, this adds to the suspense as it makes the viewer question why they are so afraid of this thing.

After this the camera moves from a wide shot into a close up as it focuses on Frodo, this adds to fear as it shows his expression and that he is the target of the Ringwraith as he becomes isolated by the camera angle. Through the characters expression it shows he is in danger but cant escape do to all the confined space he is put in and even though he is with three other Hobbits he still feels alone and as if he has no protection. The next shot is an extreme close up which views Frodo’s eyes and nose through a hole in the three, this creates a connection with the viewer as it shows a direct mode of address so it feels as if he is looking directly at you. This shot also shows he is close to danger and the only thing that is protecting him is the tree. In addition to this it shows how scared Frodo is as he is too scared and weak to look and the Ring wraith directly due to the fear.

1 comment:

  1. Shot types are identified
    It is easy to understand.
    Good spelling and punctuation.


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