Fellowship of the Rings Analysis

The scene starts with a wide shot that is full of nature, with nothing but space, this would make the cause the audience to expect something to appear in that space, it also gives you a view of the four Hobbits and shows that they are cramped and have no space to move. The shot then moves to a low angle, wide shot in this shot the Ring Wraith appears in the background against the green and browns of the forest. This make the Ring Wraith look harsh as it is covered completely in black. The low angle shows the dominance of the villain and shows the Hobbits in a tighter place than the last shot. This highlights the fact that they have no space to move into.

The next shot is a medium close up, low angle and cut in. in this shot Frodo is on his own and has no other Hobbits beside him, this shows that Frodo is isolated and alone.

The shot then moves to a High angle, close up. The close up highlights the closeness of Hobbit and the Ring Wraith, this would create tension for the audience. Branches cover half of his face, the Hobbits face looks afraid and trapped suggesting that he is very close to danger.

When the attention turns to the Ring Wraith the shots focused on it are cut in, points of view that are extreme close ups.  The fact that you can’t see the villain in full adds suspense and superstition, as this is what the Hobbits are seeing and also emphasises the power of the Ring Wraith. The costume of the Ring Wraith is dark, unnatural and dangerous looking.  This is a complete opposite to the setting and the Hobbits making the Ring Wraith look out of place.

The next shot is a low angle, mid shot and shows the hobbits pushed into the corner. The hobbits being pushed in the corner of the shot shows that thy have no space to move or run away and portrays them as being smaller and weaker. The low angle leaves us looking up at the Ring Wraith, this shot makes it look dominant strong and powerful.

 The shot with the Ring Wraith hand is a High angle close up. The closeness of the hand to Frodo’s face creates tension as it look like the hand is about to grab Frodo. This shows the power balance between the two. Frodo looks insignificant compared to the villain.


  1. the shots that is described is all right. when describing the Hobbits underneath the tree and know where to move is also right.

  2. You used all the right camera terminology.
    You showed real depth, when taking about the backgrounds.
    Good uses of language.

    Expand the shot more
    Read overwork
    Try to use better language


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