The Godfather

In this scene we see Michael and Solozo at a meeting in a restaurant. When they're sitting down the waiter comes over and opens a bottles of wine. The sound is non-diegetic because it is over exaggerated to create a tense atmosphere, while the room is silent, between the characters making us feel uncomfortable and awkward. When the men are speaking the camera shot is from over their shoulders and this is to shows their paranoia and the fear they both have, they're both constantly on edge and watching each other and this makes us feel the tension.

When they're speaking in Italian there are no subtitles and this is to show us that Michael isn't paying attention to was Solozo is saying, it also shows a sense of secrecy to the audience as we do not know what is being said. The camera turns to a close up shot of Solozo and he as a twitch in his eye, this again is to show us that he is on egg and paranoid.

When Michael's in the bathroom we hear the train noise get louder to shows Michaels pressure.

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